The Eskimo and I laughed when we got ready to head out to see Ghost Town - and discovered that we were both wearing our cowboy boots. The Eskimo ruled that all HeSaid SheSaid Nights at the Movies will now require "the wearing of the boots" from hereafter. So listen for us stomping around in a theatre near you soon!
On the way home, we tried to come up with a word for a movie trailer that actually makes you decide not to see a movie (though you had planned on seeing it before the trailer). The Eskimo suggested distrailer or doublewide. I added untrailer. I asked my Twitter friends for some help - and here's what they came up with...
- Failer, derailer, detrailer, distractor trailer (Mark Mallett)
- Distrailer (ClockworkAnge)
- Failtrailer (Matthew Turland)
- Trailer Fail (Eugene Huo)
Have a suggestion for the word we need to create pronto? Leave it in the comments or email [email protected]. (And, hey, if you see a trailer that meets our unnamed definition, let us know about it - and tell us why it changed your mind too!)
I respectively submit TRAILER FAILURE :)
Posted by: The Eskimo | September 29, 2008 at 10:16 AM